The Zen Den


Frequently Asked Questions

What does RMT stand for?

This stands for Registered Massage Therapist. To become a therapist you must first pass the provincial requirements of the school you attend. In Ontario you are then tested and examined by the Ontario College of Massage Therapy. When you have passed the written and practical examinations you are assigned the designation of Registered Massage Therapist. If you have insurance coverage, there is a good chance that they will require you to obtain the services of a registered massage therapist in the province that you are receiving the treatments. If you are unclear about your massage therapy benefits, please inquire with one of our staff.

What is a massage practitioner?

A person who uses the massage practitioner designation is one who is schooled in remedial massage, has passed the schools requirements and belongs to an association of massage. While these practitioners are trained, they are not recognized by many insurance companies and their services may or may not be covered. Please inform our staff if you require the services of an RMT (see above) so that we can book your appointment with the appropriate people.

Do you do direct billing?

Currently we are able to process claims for Great West Life, Green Shield and Blue Cross insurance companies. Depending on your individual treatment plan, you may or may not be 100% covered. Please notify the staff when booking your appointment whether you have insurance coverage as they can do a pre-determination of your benefits before your appointment. If you are insured by a company other than Great West Life, Green Shield or Blue Cross, you may still have coverage but you will be required to pay for your treatment at the time of service. You will be issued a receipt that you submit personally to your insurance company and they in turn will reimburse you directly.

Do you cover Worker's Compensation Claims or Veteran's Affairs Claims?

You must first speak with your adjudicator to receive approval for services covered under these benefits. Treatment plans must be approved before services can be delivered to clients with these benefits. Please call the clinic with your information and we can guide you through the process.

Do I need a doctors referral?

In most cases you do not need a referral from your doctor for massage therapy services. Some insurance companies will require a doctors note before therapy can begin, so please check your policy requirements before booking an appointment.

How long does it take to get an appointment?

Appointment wait times can vary based on what day and time you need to come in. We book our appointments in 1/2 hour, 45 minute and 1 hour increments. Appointments needed after 3 p.m. can take up to two weeks or more. We offer a waiting list if you are available to be flexible. Clinic hours vary from therapist to therapist and depends on the day of the week. Please call the clinic and our staff will find you the quickest appointment available to fit your schedule.

What happens if I need to cancel my appointment or I forget to come in?

At the Zen Den, we have a cancellation/no show policy. We require 4 hours notice to cancel a scheduled appointment. This provides us time to fill your spot with another available person. If we are not given the appropriate notice, a 50% service fee would apply. For example, if you booked a full hour appointment and cancelled with less than four hours notice, you would be required to pay a service fee of $40. If you DO NOT show up for a scheduled appointment and you fail to give notice, you will be required to pay 100% of your service before another appointment will be scheduled. Please keep in mind that we book our appointments according to time and availability. If we are not given the proper notice, you may be denying someone of services that they may require urgently.

What if I arrive late for my appointment?

Our appointments are booked in blocks with the time in between each one to allow for room cleaning, paperwork and rest for the therapist. If you are running behind, a call would be most appreciated so that we can prepare for the next appointment. You will be treated for the time that you have booked and will be required to pay for that amount of time. If you are 15 minutes late for your one hour appointment, then you will receive treatment for the time you have remaining. If you are a new client, please remember it will take you extra time to do the required paperwork as well.

What can I expect on my first visit?

On your first visit, arrive approximately 5-10 minutes early to complete the health history (bring a list of any medications you may be on). This also leaves time for you to connect with your therapist on a personal level and have them answer any questions you may have.

Do I have to take my clothes off?

Your comfort is very important to us. You will not be asked to remove any clothing you are not comfortable with. Undergarments are usually left on but keep in mind that some items can be hard to work around, like sports bras and boxer shorts. You are also completely covered by a sheet and light blanket draping procedures are used to uncover only the areas that are going to be worked on. Please communicate to your therapist your comfort requirements.

Will the massage hurt?

Massage is a wonderful way to relieve stress and balance the body. There are some instances where you may feel some level of discomfort based on the reason you are in to see us. If you have chronic issues, there can be varying levels of discomfort. Pressure techniques vary from therapist to therapist and each client has specific needs. Please let your therapist know if you are experiencing pain or discomfort and they can adjust your treatment accordingly. Again, communication is KEY!